Our vision is to be a place of welcome for everyone
which seeks to see lives and communities transformed
with Christ at the centre of everything.
The church building is open in the morning during the week for private prayer with a service on Tuesdays at 1pm and for Sunday services at 10am and 6pm.
The Centre is now taking bookings.
We continue to meet online in various ways – you can join us on Zoom using the images below.
We sometimes also stream our Sunday service and Compline through Facebook Live on our Facebook page
Week Beginning 5th December
10am service in church and on Zoom
6pm Said Holy Communion in church
Pause in Centre at 3.30pm
Service of Said Holy Communion in church at 1pm
Bible Study on Zoom at 7.30pm
Compline at 9pm on Zoom
Alpha Course in Centre at 7pm
Coffee, Study and Prayer at 11am in Centre
Open Door Meal 7pm-9pm
Compline at 9pm on Zoom
Men’s and Women’s Prayers from 10am
Services in church at 10am and at 6pm (Carol Service). Also on Zoom.
We are very grateful to those who have continued to support the work of St James the Less during the pandemic but the closure of the church building and the inability of our Centre to take bookings for so many months in the last year has led to a significant drop in our income.
Although we are now meeting again in the church, Covid restrictions mean we cannot collect an offering during our services.
We have therefore set up a system of online giving and if you would like to give to the work of St James the Less then please do so here.
Thank you!