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Trusts and Foundations
Applications have been put in to several trusts, of which we await the outcome.
Please pray for the applications to various trusts and other bodies; for the right opportunities; for wisdom to make good decisions in pursuing these. And that the money would come! We seek to safeguard this church for future generations and to reach out to and bless the local community. Please stand with us in this – your support is crucial.
Please contact Jack Adams / 020 7630 6282 or contact him at any of the services.
Milestones passed to date
August – £3,000 grant received from the Edward Harvist Trust
June – £5,000 grant received from the Beatrice Laing Foundation
January – £4,000 grant received from the Rank Foundation
December: £10,000 grant received from the Mercers’ Charitable Foundation
October: £30,000 grant received from the Joseph Rank Foundation
July: £4,000 grant received from the Archbishop’s Council
June: £10,000 grant received from the National Churches Trust
March: £20,000 grant received from Viridor Credits
January: £60,000 grant received from the City Bridge Trust
June: Appointment of Architect, Molyneux Kerr
December: Revised architect plans sent to Quantity Surveyors for costings
November: The Heritage of London Trust agree grant of £3,000 to clean and restore the Church Pulpit
September: Office move complete and previous space redecorated and refurbished for temporary community use.
August: Work begun on Vestry floor
July: Full revised plans put to Parish Church Council
April: Westminster Council Planning Permission received.
March: Renewal Fundraising Team starts working
January: DAC site visit to St James the Less with Esther (Project Manager) and Martin (Architect)
December: Access Audit (funded by City Bridge Trust)
November: Site visit with Westminster Planning, English Heritage, DAC, Project Manager and Architects
October: School Rooms refurbishment begins
September: Conservator’s report on cleaning test strip received.
August: Restoration cleaning test strip complete
June: Outline Plans submitted to Westminster Council and DAC for development work
May: Faculty Petition submitted to Diocesan Chancellor
March: DAC approve application for Petition for Faculty to Clean and Repair a test strip of the interior of the Church
February: DAC consider application for Cleaning a test strip of Church
January: Lead Architects Finch Forman and Dr James Campbell appointed to Restoration work.
Congregation support project with gifts, prayer and questions
Local residents consulted in questionnaire
Brief revisited and redefined
Esther Broughton appointed as part time Project Manager
Carrie Harvey appointed as part-time Fundraiser
Jerusalem Trust make grant to cover cost of Project Management