The Alpha Course


Looking to do Alpha in Pimlico, Westminster, Central London?

The Alpha Course at St James the Less is a great opportunity for anyone to explore life’s big questions.  The new course begins on Thursday 24th October 2024.

It starts at 19:00 with food, followed by a video and short talk about the Christian faith, and a relaxed time to share your thoughts in a small group setting. The evening ends at 21:00 and there’s no pressure and no charge.

The 8 session course takes place two or three times a year on Thursday evenings in the St. James the Less Centre.

Anyone is welcome to come along and find out more.



“What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions – life and death and their meaning.”
– The Guardian

“What distinguishes Alpha from other initiatives is the easy-going, relaxed feel of the proceedings – that, and its astonishing success.”
– The Times

Course Content

The talks each week cover the following topics, which people are then free to discuss in the small groups afterwards:

  1. Week 1 – Who is Jesus?
  2. Week 2 –  Why did Jesus die?
  3. Week 3 – How can we have faith?
  4. Week 4 – Why and How do I pray?
  5. Week 5 –  Why and How should I read the Bible?
  6. Week 6 – How does God guide me to make the most of the rest of my life?
  7. Week 7 – What about evil and does God heal today?
  8. Week 8 – What about the Church and telling others?

Day Away – Usually a Saturday or Sunday between weeks 5 and 7.

Who is the Holy Spirit?
What does the Holy Spirit do?
How can I be Filled with the Holy Spirit?